Inclusive Dance: a project for the life.

The art propitiates to get ahead the barriers architectural and communication. It makes possible to create a dialogue between the people.The proposal of inclusive dance appeared of the increasing world-wide movement that comes occurring in creating programs that value the participation of all, in special people with deficiency, as much in social, pedagogical and cultural activities. The Arteiros Project was created for me to the 9 years, in February of 2000, in São Paulo/Brazil, with the initial objective to work the corporal expression with people with multiple deficiencies and deafblind. The methodology was based instudies of Laban - Educative Modern Dance and Van Djck adapted to the people with deficiency. Of this form, was created a model contemporary where the inclusive dance values to the participation of all, learning with its differences and similarities. The communication it is all moment the construction of the dialogue between the participants, favoring the use of systems of alternative or suplemental communication and the Brazilian Language of Signals (LIBRAS). These differentiated forms of communication are part of our choreographic creation and our presentations in group, either for the use of the signals, referenciais objects or figures of PCS or COMPIC (pictografic and ideografic). As form to contribute for the exploration of the movement and discovery of itself and of the existence of the world I looked for to use of the educative modern dance, as base of the work. Laban (1990) looked for to develop the "different forms of the movement, in the gestures, in the steps, as well as in that the man contemporary uses in its life cotidiana"(pg.14). Of this form a work based on the art of the movement is developed. This "new technique of dance stimulates the domain of the movement in all the corporal and mental aspects, extending itself in the modern dance as a new form of scenic dance and social"(pg.16). In the schools the use of this technique is varied: it makes possible the expression, the retaken one of the conscience of its movements, preserves the espontaneidade of the movements, it collaborates the creative expression and cultivates the capacity to be part of collective dances. For Van Djck the children with multiple deficiencies and deafblind have difficulty in distinguishing same itself, being the other prolongations of its proper body. Therefore, the separation of I and the other is essential for the development of its representation and symbolizetion, essential for acquisition and development of its language. This child with deficiency discovers that its body is a vehicle with which it will be able to explore the world through the movement and of the interaction with the adult. In 2007, after a course for formation of professors in Danceabillity with Alito Alessi was possible to perfect our work of contact and improvisation, being developed a new possibility of creation in group. In the experience with sacred circular dances it is possible to develop the socialization, since it searchs to retake old forms of expression of different peoples and cultures, increased of rhythms, current choreographies and creations, searching a form more organic to express its feelings. Also a specific work for women through the belly dance. We develop self-esteem and the self-care of the participants, valuing its body and aiming at its global health and interaction in group. The dance if integrates to the elements of the nature and it it passes if to feel part of it. Objective Currently our main objectives are to develop in this work the corporal conscience, creativity, socialization, communication and autonomy of all the participants. This program already was implemented in 8 institutions that develop attendance to the people with deficiency. 200 people had participated more than of the project, between children, adults and aged, 70% had some type of deficiency. Currently it is being carried through in Special Station of the Lapa DMR/USP. All the works are offered gratuitous the participants project. Results This work before more nothing aims at to rescue the quality of life of the participants, being developed values as basic respect and cooperation so that it has a good dialogue and understanding between persons.This project was possible to observe the rescue of self-esteem; the valuation of the participants together its familiar ones, making possible to see the potential of these individuals. To live deeply in group experiences that in general value the dialogue/socialization of the participants through together the alternative or suplemental communication the community. contact: Published in Annals 14TH DEAFBLIND INTERNATIONAL WORLD CONFERENCE - Austra

lia - October 2007
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